How to get PR in Australia (Permanent Residence) after Study


This article is about how to get PR in Australia (Permanent Residence) after Study. Australia is one of the highest developed nations of the world. This country has some unique features such as vast unexplored land, great quantity of natural resources, very limited population, amazing climate and stable political and economic system.

Besides all, the country also has one of the best education systems in the world that offers quality education experience and meaningful job opportunities. As a result, most of the international students do prefer to extend their stay in Australia through being the permanent resident there.

How to get PR in Australia:

In fact, getting PR in Australia after completion of study needs a comprehensive preparation. Additionally, the PR in Australia is point based system where different parameters are judged on points. The aggregate of points based on education, age, skill and experience help a candidate to navigate through the process of getting PR in Australia.

Being a permanent resident in Australia comes with a bunch of benefits that are denied to a temporary resident.

Benefits of getting PR in Australia:

As mentioned above PR in Australia comes with bundle of benefits and here is a list of some of them which a person can get once he secures Australian PR.

Right to live in Australia:


The first benefit of securing PR in Australia is that you can stay and work in Australia as long as you wish. Though, the PR initially is for five years, government can renew again as many time as you wish. This gives you right to come and go outside Australia as many times as you wish.

Sponsor family members:

Secondly, after getting PR, next, a person can do, is to sponsor his family member for Australia. As a PR you can now sponsor one or more of your family members. However for this your financial statement would play major role. You can sponsor a family member only in case your financial statement of previous three year can support it.

Access to Medicare:


Next, You can have an access to the Australian Medicare. Once you secure PR in Australia, you can avail the benefits of Medicare in which free hospital access and free treatment.

Access to Government Schemes after PR in Australia:

Then, being a PR gives you access to various government schemes like unemployment benefits, maternity benefits and other schemes.

Higher education loan:

The permanent residents of Australia enjoy loan facilities to pursue their higher study. In order to pursue the higher study the PR can avail education. This loan is repayable only after the completion of final year of exams.

Pathway to Australia Citizenship:

Likewise, the PR has a natural pathway towards Australian Citizenship. As per the rule, after continuously living for four years as a PR, you may initiate your process for citizenship.

Australian Children:

Even if you are PR and married then your children born in Australia will be automatically be the citizen of that country. In this way they would be entitled to all the benefits an Australian citizen has.

How to Increase your score to get PR in Australia:

As you know, the prospects of PR depends on your score that is the aggregate of various parameters such as age, education, IELTS score etc. Therefore, in order to increase the score, you always have a chance to work on to some of the parameters.

Post Study work in Australia-


Getting a work soon after completion of study will give you much needed experience that would give extra points.

Increase your Education Qualification–

As a rule, the higher the qualification, the better is score for the draw. The diploma, certificate holders score less points while masters and PhD holders get more points.

Language proficiency–

The same goes with English language proficiency as the higher band provide more points in comparison to low score.

Optional for regional universities–

Study in the regional universities always help in securing PR as extra points are given to those international students who decide to study in these universities.

Age factor–

The rules regarding age say that the applicant between 25 and 35 gets the highest point whereas the person over 45 gets no points in this section

Job Experience-

In order to get more points for applying PR; make sure you have at least two years of work experience. Every one year increase will help you through getting more and more points.

Understanding Skills and choosing the course wisely would improve your PR prospects considerably.

How to get PR in Australia after study?


Though, the Australian authority provides numbers of visa programs, but the visa program most suitable to the international student is SkillSelect migration program.

What is SkillSelect program ?

SkillSelect is a government online system to apply for the permanent visa in Australia. For the international students who have completed their study in Australia they need to apply through SkillSelect.

So, SkillSelect is an online government system that allows aspiring migrants to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). An EOI is not a visa application. Thus, it is proof that you want to be considered for a skilled visa to migrate to Australia.

Additionally, with the help of SkillSelect, you can either be invited by the Australian government to submit a visa application or you can be nominated for a skilled visa by various Australian employers or state governments. In simple words, SkillSelect simplifies the visa application process and improves skilled migrants’ employment prospects.

This visa category is for people who have the skills that Australia requires or the ones who are seeking sponsorship by an Australian employer to work in Australia. International students can apply for any one of the following permanent visa options under this work stream:

Subclass 189-

This visa is a point tested visa that does not require any territory or State nomination. If you are an international student who has graduated in Australia and you are not sponsored by any employer or relative, then you can apply for the Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189).

Subclass 190-

This visa is suitable for skilled workers who have been nominated by a territory or state government agency. To be eligible for this visa, you will need to prove that you have an appropriate assessment for the occupation listed in the occupation list.

This process initiates through filling expression of interest (EOI) whereas minimum 60 points are required to apply.

Lastly, if your score clears the automated system of minimum marks and receives the invitation to apply for the visa. It gives an assurance that you have cleared the way towards PR in Australia.

If you are planning to study in Australia ,get the expert and professional advice from Cosmo Consultants. We are the leading Study abroad and Study Visa Consultants with an experience of over twelve years. For more details please visit our website

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